Thursday, October 10, 2019

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, got up three times during the night, finally waking/getting up at 7:15.

Jose is having his 2nd eye surgery today.

I watched a semi with a shipping container take 20 minutes to back into the warehouse on the other side of Exito.

Teresa left to go to the gym and then to get her cancer medication from the same clinic we were at yesterday in Sabaneta.

I put on shorts and a t-shirt and left the apt at 10:45.  I walked down to Avenida Las Vegas and quickly caught a taxi.  The driver really wanted to talk.  Where am I from?  How long have I been here?  How do I like Medellin?  How do I like Colombians?  Etc. etc. etc.
At the Nueve eps clinic at Calle 9C Sur #50FF-116 in the Guayabal neighborhood I walked in and took a number.  When my number was called 5 minutes later they confirmed my appointment and sent me next door.  I went up to the 2nd floor to the same waiting room as Monday.  I showed my cedula to the rep and took a seat.  They called me about 15 minutes later and I went into the physical therapy room.  Today there was a different physical therapist named Natalia.  First she gave me the same 20 minute automated massage as last Monday.  This time I managed to stay awake.  Then she had me do 2 new exercises.  The first while lying on my back she had me bring my knees to my chest for a count of 5.  The next was basically opening my knees to the sides for a count of 5.  Then she had me repeat the same exercises I did on Monday.  I was then free to go.

Since it was only 12:30 I took a taxi to Viva Envigado where I had my usual lunch at Sarku’s.  I went into Exito where I paid the Une bill at their payment office.  I’m hoping in the future to be able to pay all my bills here instead of having to go to downtown Envigado.

I had coffee at Todo Fresa and called Teresa.  She was still in the Sabaneta clinic.

I returned to the apt about 4pm.

I spent some time in the evening studying my chess notes.

6,625 steps today.

Joke of the day
An old couple is celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in their home.
“Just think,” the old man says,  “we were sitting here at this same breakfast table, naked as jaybirds, 50 years ago.”
“Well,” the old lady snickers naughtily, “what do you say, do you think we should get naked?”
The two chuckle and proceed to strip.  Then they sit back down at the table and stare at each other.
“You know, honey,” the little old lady says slyly, “My breasts burn for you just as they did 50 years ago.”
“I’m not surprised,” replies the old man, “One’s in your coffee.”

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