Monday, February 29, 2016

Sunday, February 28th, 2016

I recall briefly waking sometime after 6am (because there was light coming in the room) but I went right back to sleep and didn’t awaken and get up until 8am.  The muchacho showed up 5 minutes later while I was in the shower.  He left at 8:50 and Teresa says he can remove (or is it move) some of the shingles, it will cost 600,000 pesos and he can begin Wednesday.  Or he can replace all the shingles and it will cost 2,000,000 pesos.  The latter sounds like a better idea but he’ll have to wait until July or August when we have enough money saved.

I took a nap from 9am to 11:15.  

Teresa woke me up when Ruby and her husband were close to the finca.  We left the finca at 11:30 and Peter and Tony went with us.  There was a confrontation between them and the black dog.  Luna soon joined us.   Teresa continued up the hill with the terriers in close pursuit.  The black dog came out and I gave him 2 dog biscuits.  At the top of the hill we saw Ruby and her husband nearing the top.

We met them and Ruby was obviously, like me, out of breath.  We walked them down to the finca with me holding her hand because I think her calves were cramping up.

They have a son who lives in Los Angeles.  I understood Arnando (sp?) worked in the US for awhile.  Ruby speaks a little English as does Arnando although his pronunciation isn’t good.  

Teresa made us a nice lunch of chicken and for dinner I made waffles.

We played dominoes for a while and I didn’t win a single game.  Near the end of our playing we discovered that we had 2 duplicate tiles.  I guess they’re all supposed to be different.  I used that as an excuse as to why I didn’t win at all.

They left about 8pm and I walked them up the hill with Tony accompanying me.  The black dog got a dog biscuit each way and I even gave Tony one.

T-shirt of the day: Sorry = I expect you to apologize.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful blog!!! Even we didn’t know about all those things you’ve written in your blog i am manutha Cab OneWay
