Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Monday, November 3rd, 2014

I got up once at 4:40am but once again it took a little while to fall back asleep.  I woke/got up at 9:10am.

I still have Wi-Fi!  Yay!

We wanted to leave early to go to Caldas to buy food so I just had a bowl of cereal for breakfast.  Teresa tried calling the Caldas grocery store but I understood she couldn’t get through.  The number is a PBX number and even after reading about what that means in Wikipedia it’s unclear if that’s a number that can be called from outside.  Because we’re unsure whether they are open today, the plan now is to try to go to Caldas early tomorrow and stop at an ATM, pay last month’s electric bill and go grocery shopping.  If we get back early enough we can go to Medellin to take care of paying MBE and pick up my jeans in Mayorca.  Otherwise, we’ll make that trip on Wednesday.

At 11am Teresa asked if I’m hungry and I replied no.  She surprised me by asking me to make a waffle for her.  I was pretty sure she wouldn’t eat a whole one so I got Laura to join her.  I made one that they shared and even got Teresa to eat it with syrup.  I told her one day I’ll make them French toast – tostada Francese.

Friday I received 5 emails from MBE.  I just translated the message to:
This email is to inform you that currently receive a package containing your account Sprey, which came without commercial invoice or value.

In order to successfully process your purchase, we need to follow this link, and we assign value to your purchase and upload your confirmation invoice or purchase order processing.

This notice like this coming from our tracking system ebox Web.  If you have not yet registered and want to continue receiving your notifications without interruption, you must REGISTER by clicking http://mbe-latam.com/eboxweb/ and accept the terms and conditions.

Thanks a lot

best regards,
I assume “Sprey” refers to my pepper spray.  I had already sent them a copy of my pepper spray order.  I went to the link and entered my MBE mailbox number so I hope that’s all I need to do to fulfill their request.

I did some more googling and found a stun gun that can be used to deter attacking dogs.  I also found a dog whistle that might work.  Other suggestions were a can with stones in it that you shake and a spray bottle with half water and half ammonia.

At 3pm I had a nice lunch of garbanzo soup, chicken spaghetti and a glass of milk.

At 5pm I found I no longer had an internet connection.  After that it seemed to come and go.

It seemed to come back pretty consistently about 7pm.

We went to bed at 10pm.

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