Sunday, November 2, 2014

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

I fell asleep quickly and only got up once during the night.  I heard Laura at 4:20 and a little later I was aware of Teresa getting up to help her get ready for school.  Around 6am I heard Luna barking nonstop again for quite a while before I was able to get back to sleep.  Once again, Teresa seemed to be impervious to the noise.  

We both woke/got up at 7:30am.  We left the finca at 8:45.  I could see that Carlos had dug a trench next to the hill for the water pipes to sit in.  We got past the neighbor’s house before the dogs came out and they quickly gave up pursuing us.  I saw Carlos coming down the path with a wheelbarrow.  I waited to watch the dogs’ reaction and they seemed to be afraid of it but Teresa said they are used to Carlos.  I asked her if they aren’t used to her but she says they don’t like her.  They don’t like me either.
We only had to wait 5 minutes for a bus and 10 minutes later we were in Caldas.  It seemed like Teresa got us off the bus a little early.  After we got off and were behind the bus to cross the street, the driver called to us because I forgot to pay.   After paying we walked to the ATM where I took out some more cash.

We walked to the panaderia whose name is aymará deléitate and has existed since 1983.   I had my Nook with me and saw that they had Wi-Fi so I asked the waiter for the password but for some reason I didn’t get it.  Maybe it’s for the owner only because its name is aymará administracion.  

I had a cup of coffee and Teresa had an arepa de chocolo, a chicken pastry that she shared with me, and coffee for 8,700.

We walked over to the grocery store, Merkepaisa, where we bought more meat and other food stuffs for 123,361 we will need before our next big shopping trip next month.

We waited 10 minutes for a bus and were at the road to the finca 10 minutes later.  I had 5mil ready to pay the driver but Teresa said it would only cost 2,600 so I put my bill away.  But when she handed him the 2,600 he said there is a minimum but he let us go this time.

We were attacked again by the killer dogs.  I’m running out of Pepper Spray but I’ve learned not to turn my back on the Doberman, just keep backing up slowly so I don’t fall down.  The owner even yells at him and he retreats for a moment but then comes back at me.  We were back at the finca by 11am.

We took a nap starting at noon with Teresa getting up at 12:20 to watch the news and prepare lunch and I got up 10 minutes later.

At 2pm I had a different lunch than I’ve had before.  It was shredded chicken on an arepa.  I understand it’s supposed to be eaten with the hands but the arepa was so thin and there was so much chicken piled on that I had to eat it with knife and fork.  It was very tasty but there was so much chicken left over that I needed another arepa to finish it.  I also had a glass of juice.

Laura came back at 2:30.

Teresa and I took a nap from 3:30 to 4:30.

Teresa made popcorn and we watched Sandra Bullock in The Blind Size that got her nominated for an Academy Award.  Then we all started watching The Perfect Plan but we lost the signal for about 15 minutes.  At the end of the movie I saw the English title is Inside Man.  

We went to bed at 10:30.

T-shirt of the day: Broken Mirror

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