Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wednesday, November 12th, 2014

I fell asleep quickly, got up twice during the night, was aware of Teresa getting up about 5am for Laura, heard the first “shots” of the morning from the fireworks factory at 6am, heard first Luna, then the other Terriers a few minutes later, and finally woke/got up at 8:30.

Had scrambled eggs, calentao, an arepa de chocolo and coffee con leche for breakfast.

This morning I took the opportunity to tell Teresa I didn’t like the length of my jeans.  She folded up the cuffs a couple inches and I told her that in the US only farmers wear their jeans like this.  She had a good laugh over that.

I checked MBE online for the status of my shipments and this is what I found:
·        My Pepper Spray arrived in Miami by UPS on November 6th and at 0.83 kg is valued at $6.99.
·        My Umbrella arrived in Miami by FedEx on November 6th and at 1.05 kg is valued at $1.99.
·        My GNC Supplements arrived in Miami by USPS on November 11th and at 0.54 kg is valued at $79.79.
The only one of those “values’ that sounds reasonable is the GNC supplements.

We left for Medellin at 11:15.  Teresa tried to catch Peter to put him in the shed because he tends to follow us down to the highway but he went the other way up the path.  We walked up the path and past him and he came back out on the trail.  Teresa walked back, covered him with her jacket and carried him down to the shed.  I waited for her and a couple minutes later 2 of the neighbors dogs came out and barked at me.  Teresa came back and we walked up the hill without further incident.

We waited 10 minutes and caught an express bus to Aquacatala where we caught a Circular Sur 303 to Viva CC.  

I took some money out of the BanColombia ATM and then we had lunch in the food court.  I had a Whopper and medium Pepsi for 13,900 at BK and Teresa had some type of salad and juice from Frisby for 19,500.

Since we were going to be getting a ride back to the finca I told her we should pick up some groceries while we are right by Exito.  We bought 132,749 of groceries including a little frying pan big enough for one or two eggs and the fixings so Teresa can make me hamburgers.  While we were wandering the aisles we heard very heavy rain hitting the roof.  I now have 28,793 Exito points.

We were at the entrance to Viva CC right at 2pm when Juan Carlos was supposed to pick us up in his pickup truck but he didn’t show up until 2:45 when the rain had settled down to a drizzle.  Carlos and another man I recognized got out of the cab and it was pretty obvious that only 3 of us were going to fit inside with all our purchases.  While Teresa talked to him to figure things out in the rain a street person kept badgering me for money.  The other man stood on the sidewalk as we drove away.  I understood that Juan Carlos wasn’t going to be able to take the paintings to the finca, maybe because his truck isn’t powerful enough to get up the hills.  

He drove over to San Juan and then west to Carrera 92 where he turned south to Santa Monica berrio.  We ended up parking across from Parque Ajedrez (chess park) the same place that Dario and I walked to months ago.  We got there at 3:15 and Teresa showed me her 3 paintings.

We waited until 4:15 when the other man picked us up in a slightly larger covered truck.  He secured the paintings in the back of the truck and we headed to the finca.  He appeared to avoid the expressway as long as possible by driving through an area of Itagui I don’t remember seeing before.  I was not impressed with what I saw; not a place I would want to live.

Traffic was heavy and we didn’t get to the finca until just before 6pm.  I carried all 5 bags of groceries in one hand with my pepper spray in the other and the driver and Teresa carried the 3 paintings.  We were harrassed pretty quickly by all 3 dogs with the snarling Doberman again being the most aggressive but I held him off with the pepper spray.  Unfortunately I don’t have much left so I hope I can pick up my shipment soon.
I helped Teresa put up the 3 paintings: 2 in the dining room and one in the bedroom.

I had a toasted ham and cheese sandwich with coffee for dinner.

We finished watching The Terminal.

Teresa told me that Ramira will be here early tomorrow morning, like 7:30, so we went to bed at 10:15.

T-shirt of the day: Hey Gimme! Gimme!

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