Saturday, November 15, 2014


I wrote earlier about the suicide showers prominently found in Colombia although many people here probably shower in cold water all their lives.  Today I want to write about my personal experience with our shower.

There is no switch we use to turn on the electricity for the shower so the water flow must turn on the heater.

There is only one handle, for cold water.  First I turn the handle until water starts coming out.  I’ve probably turned the handle too far so the water coming out will invariably be a little cold.  Then I turn the handle in the opposite direction until I hear the heater start humming and in a few seconds I start to feel warm water.  The handle is very sensitive so turning it slightly in either direction can mean the difference between a very hot or a cold shower.

In general, the more water that comes out the more difficult it is for the heater to warm up the more rapidly moving water.  If you turn the water down then you will receive a smaller water flow but the water will have more time to heat.  Also the later in the day you take your shower the warmer the water will already be in the pipes and you will get a warmer shower even with a stronger water flow. 

In general, if you can hear a slight buzzing sound then the heater is working and is heating the water.  No buzzing sound and the water will probably come out cold or cooler.

Also, the water here comes straight down, not at an angle like in the states which makes it a little more difficult to get water directly on your face.  Either you have to stand directly under the water and crane your neck so your face is straight up or cup your hands until you catch enough water to splash on your face.

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